Multiple Mosquitto instances on Debian with Systemd

I have been playing for quite a while MQTT to have my Arduino devices communicate with Node-Red for all kinds of automation. Due to the constraints of the Arduino’s, so far I have not been able to effectively secure this as SSL/TLS is not an option on these devices.

Mosquitto supports multiple listeners out of the box though aside from the listener-specific settings all listeners share the same global (e.g. authentication and plugin) settings. To secure my setup and to work on a more permanent solution I needed different settings per listener for which multiple Mosquitto instances are required (i.e. multiple instances of the mosquitto daemon with their configuration and listeners different IP addresses / ports). This was not difficult on my Debian server but as I did not find much documentation on this I will document the necessary steps in this post.

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Raspberry Pi power saving (disable HDMI port and others) – the SystemD way

For a few year I have been playing with Raspberry Pi’s. I started off with a 1B, then moved to a a 2B and for some time am heavily using a model 3B as my monitoring (nagios) server while the 2B is being setup for other use (as well as a few Pi Zero’s being used for other things).

Since the switch to the 3B I started to have more and more issues with the SD card getting corrupt. Actually, it wasn’t the card itself but critical files tended to get corrupted, making the system unusable after a while – one of the reasons  I scripted the setup of my monitoring server using Ansible). Recently I found this discussion on stackexchange which hinted me on the root cause of my problems – the Raspberry Pi 3B really needs a 2.5A power supply to function correctly.

Continue reading “Raspberry Pi power saving (disable HDMI port and others) – the SystemD way”